fredag 1. juni 2012


on four legs ...
with a lot of sound, allmost a concert as I came but lost interest as
I did not have anything offer. 

tirsdag 17. april 2012

BMX Yessss, på fredag!

fredag 20-04   
kl. 21.00
og dørene åpnes kl. 20.00
Velkommen til Club Bele på yum
i Balestrand!

fredag 6. april 2012

devine colours

the wrong way
around a boring problem
makes it into
something it´s not ... and
something new appears that
might be 
more exciting 
this is the the wine speaking
I think,
takk, for en fin kveld ...

lørdag 31. mars 2012

Please, do sit down ...

Brancusi, skulptør,
tenkte jeg på da jeg så dette fotoet,
men det handler om litteratur.
Søk på nettet selv ...

Bohumil Hrabal (born 28 March, 1914; died 3 February, 1997), pictured in a photograph in the collection of the National Museum of Photography,Jindřichův Hradec.

—from Too Loud a Solitude: A Novel (1990; originally published in 1976; translated from the Czech by Michael Henry Heim)

torsdag 22. mars 2012


a TV program: Jutice for sale,
from Congo about corrupted courts and ... .
Here in Norway we have almost the same, corrupted best friends in our legal societies,
norwegian lawyers society and Yoy name it, it´s there, the corruption!

søndag 11. mars 2012


away from collapse, 
makes it fall down on me 
if I don´t run away from it soon 
and that I will 
I think when I can because   
to be able to run one must have legs and 
my legs have taken a vacation just now 
and they do so in between 
even when I tell them not to 
they do, 
some have a will of their own, 
 my will 
has run away from the 
collapsing building ...    

lørdag 3. mars 2012


Some saudies came to a tiny
village, rented car and went sightseeing along the fjord.
First they came to a hole in the
mountain, turned around and drove happily the opposite way
till they came to the second hole in the mountain. Who dare drive into all that rock?
They turned again and decided to go up into the valley. Up and up it went till they loooked down and decided, too far down. They drove back to the hotel.

lørdag 25. februar 2012

FIVEMEN... andthatBOAT

feil igjen,
men konserten igår
var så morsom at
ingen ville hjem og
hylte av beigeistring!
Jeg er i bakrus uten at jeg har drukket,
er det vanlig?
Feil heading og feil bakrus,
feil illustrasjon
feil skrik
feil person,

tirsdag 21. februar 2012


BØYUM pensjonat i Balestrand, fredag
24 februar
kl. 21.00
dørene opnar kl. 20.00

lørdag 11. februar 2012


with PC the 17th, if you want to cross the sky!
Balestrand is the place to be and Kviknes hotel is the place to stay and I´m the one to visit. The one to visit is a joke, don´t bother ... . 
The photo belongs to PC

torsdag 9. februar 2012


up there in the right corner is our friend PC !
A georgeus, lovely guy flying around in the air just for the fun of it. Come and see yourself!
Balestrand is the place to be 12/ 2 + most of the year.

fredag 3. februar 2012


world, almost!
I have moved 
in this house,
higher and higher
I move higher
than this
to become
an Angel ...

onsdag 25. januar 2012

A MAP ...

in distress
if you need 
one ... .
to the left,
to the right
a few
miles, so
you cme to
the edge,
you jump!

Take a  chance,
do it,

torsdag 19. januar 2012

Bøyum kommer med ...

i kjelleren, i nordre ende med egen inngang! Jørgen og jeg skal
jobbe litt med rydding, støpe gulv og få inn en peis. Vi skal lage
hyller og få bøkene til Johs B. og brukt og nytt,
hurra som vi gleder oss til en kopp kaffe og en god bok!

torsdag 12. januar 2012


and lovely colours, who don´t miss this warmth?
I do and just now I´m fed up with winter. Well, soon a lovely black and white
picture strikes me and I´m happy in the middle of winter again. As you
may understand I live in the middle of winter wonderland! 
This tiny painting has disappeared if it turns up .... kr. 3500,-