søndag 24. april 2011


som er nesten
sant. Jeg lyver Ikke.
Hvorfor skulle jeg 
det? Nå er det på
tide med litt farger!
Alt jeg gjør blir fargeløst.
Hvorfor vet jeg ikke.
Det bare blir sånn.
En farge her
og en annen der,
blir alt så mye 
bedre ...

ETIKKELIV  kr. 240,-     bestilles her eller der :  post@vipsis.org

tirsdag 19. april 2011

remember Lilly ...

and I do rember her. She was   
sweet and naughty with
humour. The word humble 
was not a word she knew. 
She loved my bed and my 
food. This is her in 
intaglio, on paper.
Most of my life ends up
on paper it looks like.
The other day I had some 
visitors, P.C. and Elvis,
Petter and Fredrik
and Kari.
I enjoyed that!
They saw my life 
on paper.
My book is a part of it.  

søndag 10. april 2011

TYPOGRAPHY or selfportrait ...

 it is difficult to 
  to keep track 
of things. 
Somebody told 
 about easter. 
Now comes 
that I know 
because I 
have an 
 I like to be 
there when I 
am expected at 
two oclock. 
Now I wonder, 
was it day, 
or night ...

søndag 3. april 2011


mood is cool and yesterday was one of those blue days. Gorgeous consert by a lovely 
group, girls of different nationalities, all studing in Voss, Norway. My book was not visible 
but in an abstract way it was there as the sketches was real and framed, and on the wall !