lørdag 26. mars 2011


how can anyone keep track of all these days? I cannot and that is why my weeks look like this. This day is that day or the other way around or, I don´t know but a pretty picture it is I think. I don´t really think that much because my head does not follow my work. My writing hand has a will of it´s own and does not do what it is told to do! When I grow up it might improve but I am not sure. Well, to hope is not expensive so I hope and have done so for 50 years. 50 years, that is not correct sorry, to keep track of numbers are impossible.

lørdag 12. mars 2011


nå er det på tide at vinteren gir opp men, ser det slik ut? Now I need a brake from
this white wilderness. Have anyone seen my car?
Jeg kan ikke spa ut bilen nå 

for da blir kaffen min kald. Again my car is about to drown out there. Poor thing ... , poor me ...

fredag 11. mars 2011

POKKER TA ... , Høyre :

Vil du ha oss i Glasshus ? En gammel utopi med like mye kraft idag:
Jo mer ugjennomtrengelig statens anligger er, dess mer gjennomsiktig skal individets
aktiviteter være. Ære være Statsmakten og Politiet og Byråkratiet og Høyre!
SHIT, the police and the bureaucracy in Norway get everything they ask for,

I´ll have to emigrate. In Norway we will be watched, by the police on the phone, 
on the net and you name it, just ask the police or the authorities, they know it all. 
Norway bye, bye ...